Thursday, June 26, 2008

Creative veggie cutting tips

Choose the vegetables. Good choices for creative cutting include carrots, cucumber, radishes etc.
Scrub and wash the veggies until they are clean.

Using a cutting board, slice the veggies. Some suggestions include:

Cut star shapes for carrots

Cut celery into small lengths and then cut slices in the top of each piece so that it splits apart and looks like cartoon hair

Cut a radish rose;

Cut cucumber slices and cut a little triangle at each quarter of the circle, to form a flower shape overall

You can also use cookie cutters, but you will have to press quite hard, or at least steam the veggies first. This can be quite good for larger veggies, such as a potato

Try combining veggies to make a veggie sculpture.

Cook the veggies as desired. The choice is yours - steamed, broiled etc. Or, you may prefer to use them raw in a salad or added to a hot Asian-style broth.

Serve at your dinner party and watch friends and family bombard you with compliments on your creativity.

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