Thursday, April 28, 2011

What's your favorite flavor?

Today I'm making ice cream! The flavors I decided on were French Vanilla and Peach. We also made a dairy free "ice cream" that is peppermint chocolate, will see how it turns out:-).
What's your favorite flavor of ice cream, and have you ever made ice cream from scratch?

Other things we have made today are, Coconut Flax Granola,Raw granola,Protein Bars and Raw Brownies. We also picked a large laundry basket full of swiss chard, washed, cut and steamed it. All in under 2 hours!


Kathryn Grace said...

Favorite flavor.... chocolate chip cookie dough (french silk is good too!).

We made ice cream from scratch years ago, and it turned out really bad. We want to try again though!

Eleganza Strings/ The DeLadurantey Family said...


We have made chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream before and it was SOOOO good, much better then that store bought stuff:-) You all should give it a try, you need to make a good vanilla ice cream, make sure the recipe calls for eggs, that is the trick to the creamiest ice cream. Then just make some cookie dough, and freeze into small chunks, mix into your vanilla ice cream and viola, you have it!

Hope you make some soon!