Thursday, February 18, 2010

Uses for Tzatziki

Below is the uses for tzatziki, Hannah and I like to use it as a salad dressing as well as a dip for veggies. Also I love to use a little more garlic then they say because we both love it so much:) Hey it's good for you!

How to pronounce Tzatziki: [dzah-DZEE-kee]

" The uses for Tzatziki"

Tzatziki, is a Greek appetizer, also used as a sauce for souvlaki and gyros. Tzatziki is made of strained yogurt (usually sheep's-milk or goats's-milk in Greece and Turkey) mixed with cucumbers, a good amount of garlic , salt, usually olive oil, pepper, sometimes dill, sometimes lemon juice and parsely, and sometimes mint added. The cucumbers are either pureed and strained, or seeded and finely diced. Olive oil, olives, and herbs are often used as garnishes.

In Cyprus, the dish is known colloquially as ttalattouri (cf. tarter), and recipes often include less garlic and includes the herb mint, unlike the Greek counterpart. Tzatziki is always served cold.

In touristy restaurants, and outside Greece and Cyprus, tzatziki is often served with bread (loaf or pita) as part of the first course of a meal. Greeks, Cypriots and those from all over the Middle East use this dish as a side dish to a meal with meat. The acidity cuts the fat, thus tzatziki is also used as a sauce for soulvaki and gyros, in which case it may be called cucumber sauce (especially in the U.S.).


Lucia said...

So interesting! And the dip looks good...=) Greek food is yummy (what I've had of it =). Thanks for sharing, and also for the comment you left on my blog! <3 Aww, thank you. =)We don't have a good camera at ALL, so some pictures are better than others. =) Depends what "mood" the camera is in! ;) You are such good photographers, though!


Lucia said...

Oops!I mistook you girls for another pair of sisters, Marissa and Andrea. It was THEY who left the comment. =) Sorry about that lil mistake!


kathryn grace said...

Ah HA! Cucumber sauce... that sounds more familiar. :-) I guess I would like tzatziki since I love the sauce served with gyros, plus pretty much anything with cucumber is going to appeal to me! :-)

SuperAngel said...

this is really interesting! makes me want to try it even more!

Flourchild said...

I love this delicious on Gyros!