Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ah busy day!

Well, all the cooking for church is over! I made some Challah bread, yikes it got huge, way bigger then it was supposed to! Esther and I put together some cabbage rolls, and we are also bringing a plate of cookies, (pumpkin cranberry oatmeal, and cranberry bars.) For dinner tonight it was kinda a fend for yourself day.............the kids had grilled PB and Honey, and Esther and I had a salad.

We'll see how much updating we do this week, we are very busy with our cookbook, sewing projects, our cookbook, music/teaching and working on our Eleganza strings website.......( our families music group)

Have a wonderful Sabbath everyone!



SuperAngel said...

thats funny about your Challah bread. we have been busy extra honey in ours and it so soft and good, but it also makes it bigger too.

hope you don't get too busy to not update. :)

kathryn grace said...

So you got Sam to agree to Eleganza, huh? :-)

Eleganza Strings/ The DeLadurantey Family said...

Oh yes we did!
It means Elegant in Italian!