Tuesday, November 3, 2009


What do you like to put on your salad?
Do you like more fruit and sweet dressing, or do you prefer more veggies and a more savory dressing?
We would love to know what are readers like!

The DeL Sisters


Miss Lizzy said...

I love a combo!! Some veggies go GREAT with a sweet honey mustard dressing, while others seem to go more with a herby/tart dressing.

Sweet dressing's though are probably my favorite!


kathryn grace said...

Hmmm... I love both but if I HAD to pick between the two probably savory. My favorite salads are taco salad (lettuce, tomato, avocado, ground beef w/ taco seasoning, black olives, cheddar cheese and a salsa/sour cream dressing) and a Greek salad (lettuce, tomato, feta, olives, Greek dressing - I don't know if avocado technically goes with this but it's good :-). I could eat these every week, twice a week! :-)

Haugh Family said...

I can't convince my self to use anything sweet on salad!